For people who don't know how to play Euchre here are the full rules...

I know how to play Euchre. Just show me the differences.

These Jeuchre rules are based on a common variant of North American Euchre, but could easily be adapted for your favorite variant.


  • The game requires 4 players organized into 2 teams. The partners of each team are seated opposite one another.
  • A deck of 24 cards is used, consisting of the cards from ranks 9,10,J,Q,K,A.
  • Each team keeps their score visible for the other team to see. Both teams start with 10 points. Typically a pair of 5s is used to represent the points where one card is used to obscure the pips on the other card. The visible pips represent the score.


The objective is to not be the team to lose all 10 of their points. This is done by avoiding taking tricks.

Card Ranks

  • The next ranked cards are the remaining trump cards ranked A,K,Q,10,9.
  • The remained cards from the non-trump suits are ranked A,K,Q,10,9.
RankRuleEg.if spades is trump
1Jack of the trump suit (the "right bower")
2Jack of the suit with the same color as trump ( the "left bower" )
3The remaining trump cards - A,K,Q,10,9
4The cards from the non-trump suits are ranked A,K,Q,J,10,9







Result of handPoints taken by trump makerPoints taken by non-trump maker
Euchre. Team that made trump takes 1 or 2 tricks.01
Boom Euchre. Team that made trump takes 0 tricks.02
Jeuchre. Team that made trump takes 3 or 4 tricks.20
Jeujeu. Team that made trump takes all 5 tricks.40
Jeujeu Supreme. Individual player that made trump takes ALL 5 tricks.Automatic loss of game0


A draw is used to determine the first dealer. Any player shuffles the deck and begins dealing out cards, face up, to each player clockwise starting with the player to their left. The first player to receive a red 9 will be the first dealer.


  • The current dealer shuffles the deck and deals 5 cards to each player clockwise starting with the player to their left.
  • After dealing the dealer will have 4 remaining cards referred to as the "kitty". The first card is turned up for all the other players to see and placed on top of the kitty.
  • Starting with the player to the dealer's left and proceeding clockwise, each player has the opportunity to call which suit will be "trump". Trump is a suit where any card of that suit outranks cards of any other suit. Each player has the opportunity to make any suit EXCEPT the suit of the card turned up by the dealer trump. They either call a suit, or pass to the next player to their left.
  • If the dealer passes on making trump, starting with the player to the dealer's left and proceeding clockwise, each player has the opportunity to "order the dealer up". "Ordering Up" means the dealer must add that card to their hand and discard any card of their choosing. The suit of the card they picked up is now trump.
  • If the dealer passes again, the hand is redealt by the person to the left of the dealer.


  • After the deal, the player to the left of the dealer makes the opening lead by playing a card. Each of the other 3 players then play a card in turn clockwise. The 4 played cards are referred to as a "trick".
  • Each player must play a card in the same suit as the card that was led if they are able to. Otherwise they can play any card of any other suit. If it is determined that someone did not follow suit when they were able to, they are said to have "reneged" and are subject to the harshest punishment as determined by the rest of the players.
  • Once all cards have been played, the trick is won by the player who played the highest ranking card. The trick is then collected by that player in order to track how many tricks they have taken.
  • The winner of a trick then leads the first card of the next trick. This continues until all cards have been played.
  • When all the cards have been played, the tricks are counted and the hand is scored according to the ย Scoring ย section above.
  • The person to the left of the dealer deals the next hand. This continues until one team reaches 0 points and loses the game.